2009年11月23日 星期一





末 學用Pandaka一詞搜尋英文的相關資料,搜尋到屬於南傳佛教比丘所撰寫的「The Buddhist Monastic Code Volume II」by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff),其中第14章-「Ordination」(授戒)一文內,對成為比丘的資格有如下的說明(註1):

A person may be absolutely disqualified if he:

    (1) has an abnormal gender;(性別異常)
    (2) has committed any of the five grave deeds (anantariya-kamma);(犯五逆罪)
    (3) he has seriously wronged the Dhamma-Vinaya; or(嚴重違反佛法和戒律)
    (4) is an animal.(是畜牲)

The Canon states that such people may not receive full Acceptance. The Commentary adds (with one exception, noted below) that they may not receive the Going-forth. Even if they receive ordination, they do not count as ordained. Once the truth about them is discovered, they must immediately be expelled.

(1) The prohibition for abnormal gender covers pandakas and hermaphrodites. According to the Commentary, there are five kinds of pandakas, two of whom do not come under this prohibition: voyeurs and those whose sexual fever is allayed by performing fellatio. The three who do come under this prohibition are: castrated men (eunuchs), those born neuter, and half-time pandakas (people who are sometimes neuter, sometimes male (?)). In the origin story for this prohibition, a pandaka who had received Acceptance unsuccessfully propositioned some bhikkhus and novices, then succeeded in propositioning some horse- and elephant-trainers, who spread it about, "These Sakyan contemplatives are pandakas. And those among them who are not pandakas commit indiscretions with pandakas."

從上文可知,律典原文(Canon)指明abnormal gender(性別異常)是完全沒有資格成為比丘的。這個典故是因為「過去曾有一個受了戒的黃門曾經意圖挑逗比丘行淫不成功,但就成功挑逗養馬和養象的人行淫,此事後來傳出各處。」自此便禁止這類人出家受戒。


The Buddhist Monastic Code Volume II」by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff)

