2009年7月15日 星期三

What does“Ksitiputra” mean?

Some people always ask me, what does your name “Ksitiputra” mean? How do we pronounce it? Let me explain a little bit.

My name is actually a Sanskrit word (Sanskrit is a sacred language used by Buddhist and Hindu), and its pronunciation should sound something like “Shi-ti-pu-tra”, the “K” sound is mute, while there should be a little dot under “s” to make it pronounce somewhat like “sh”, one should roll his/her tongue while pronouncing “ra”. Similar to its Portuguese or Spanish counterpart. Anyway, why did I choose it as my name? The story goes like this…

When I just started learning Buddhism, I very enjoyed reading a Buddhist sutra (text) called “Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva”. I deeply admire the character Earth Store Bodhisattva who vows to liberate beings that suffer in hells forever, if hell doesn’t extinguish, he would never attain Buddhahood. He doesn’t enjoy staying in heavenly places but stay with beings that dwell in misery places where he could liberate and bear their suffer and pain. This is such a great vow and is also rare among Bodhisattvas (those who practice the path to Buddhahood).

2009年7月14日 星期二




我 在初學佛的時候便很喜歡讀一部佛經叫「地藏菩薩本願經」,當中的主角地藏菩薩是我最崇敬的菩薩,他生生世世發願「地獄不空,誓不成佛」,只要是有地獄、有 餓鬼、有畜生、有痛苦的地方,他都一定要到那裏教化或者代那兒的眾生受苦,他從不願意留在安樂的地方,只願與一切最痛苦的眾生共度患難。這是多麼偉大的精 神呢。

2009年7月4日 星期六





the existence of matter」問題(大概可以翻譯為「實物的存在」),而他想知道的,是如果站在唯識宗的立場(即「唯識無境界」的宗旨)對於這個問題是怎樣看待的。如果用中觀/如來藏思想解答,可能就不是他所期待的了.
首先這裡要解釋的是指出「the existence of matter」的問題到底是甚麼,然後我們再來分析。這裡牽涉的重點是唯心主義論(idealism)。對唯心主義不清楚,或者沒有聽說過這個概念的朋友,可以參閱以下連結的文章,那是近代英國哲學家羅素(Bertrand Russell)在哲學問題(The Problems of Philosophy)的敘述,原文是英文的。